Sunday, March 3, 2024

Early Springtime Care Of Trails

Due to the continuing unseasonably warm weather, the likelihood of cold overnight temps yet in March and the freeze/thaw cycle, I am sharing this always important message from the Mississippi Conservancy:

Trail Condition Alert!
Go back. Don't go around.

Spring is here and we're all excited to experience the many wonders that it brings. But hiking on muddy trails does serious damage to sensitive wildlife habitats. It can cause erosion and necessitate costly repairs, too.

Conditions change on a daily basis at this time of year, so it's essential for every individual to consider whether they are damaging trails by walking on them in spring. The basic rule is: If you can see your footprints in the mud, you are causing damage. When you encounter a muddy trail, PLEASE GO BACK. DON'T GO AROUND.

Please be mindful of trail conditions as we go through the freezes and thaws of early spring. The rule of thumb is:

If you can see your tracks, please turn back!

Some good options for places to hike on spring days are:

It's always good to have one of these as a Plan B in case the trail you're on is muddy.

The photo shows what happens when people go off-trail to avoid muddy spots. They make the condition worse, causing erosion and permanent damage."

Marge note: 
I would suggest in addition to the MVC recommendations, these nearby Driftless trails which are paved or are on old gravel road beds. The gravel trails tend to hold up during the thaw.

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