Friday, June 9, 2023

Trempeleau Wildlife Refuge (WI) Hike

If you're looking for a flat hike with a large bit of everything related to the Mississippi and Trempeleau  rivers, TWR is a great destination. We have hiked various trails with our local hiking club and on our own over the last year. It's mostly flat trails are family-friendly, Amble-friendly and also great for people who want to put miles on the trails and roads in the 6200 acre refuge.

Sand dunes create rolling prairie terrain

Did I say flat? Actually there are a number of ancient sand dunes in the prairie portions of the refuge that create beautiful rolling terrain with lovely views. 

One of the first hikes you come to on entering the Refuge, which is particularly beautiful in late spring, is the Prairie Edge loop trail that winds around these old sand dunes. The bike/hike (next to a road) trail that lies between the prairie and wetlands is a riot of lupines in late May and early June. But not just the lupines dazzle. Significant patches of hoary puccoons, beardtongue, prairie, horsetail are evident. Successive seasons see butterfly weed, blazing star, yellow coneflowers and more. 

Looking out over the Mississippi River sloughs

The trail joins the road where it continues towards a bench overlooking the Mississippi River sloughs. Additional trailheads bringing you to the bench from the south and a River overlook platform are at the Visitor's Center. 

Rose-breasted grosbeak on Kiep's dike

Birding is outstanding here at the refuge. It on the Mississippi flyway so spring and fall migrations bring flocks of different diving and dabbling ducks, swans (trumpeter, tundra) and tons of migrating warblers and other birds through the hardwood and floodplain forests of the refuge. 

Additional hikes that bring you up close to the rivers and sloughs include Pine Creek Dike Trail, Woods Trail, Pine Creek Pass Trail, and part of the Marshland Road Trail. Kiep's Island dike is also a great trail especially for migrating songbirds.

These beautiful trails are mostly flat on grass, gravel and dirt. Views of the Mississippi and Trempeleau rivers, wetlands, prairies, floodplain forests and abundant wildlife are easily navigated by any age. It can be buggy in summer. Try the hike/bike prairie loop trail as you enter for an out-and-back 3 mile easy Amble through the rolling prairie. And then come back many times to explore all the rest.

Location: W28488 Refuge Road, Trempeleau WI
The main entrance is located off of West Prairie Road which can be reached via Hwy 53 from Winona; Hwy 35 from the La Crosse area or via backroads from the town of Trempeleau. Follow the road straight to the Visitor Center parking lot, pick up a map and start your exploration. Pit toilets are available at that parking lot.
Enjoying the birding and the bottomlands
Image - Kris Lawson

Additional posts describing Trempealeau Wildlife Refuge trails:

Images, unless noted - Marge Loch-Wouters

Looking for more area hikes? Please stop by the web version of the blog and under the "Labels" tab on the right hand side of the blog, click on "find-a-hike". There are over 60 hike descriptions and lists of hikes to try!

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