We had barely a drop of rain this week by us although other Driftless areas received a bit more. Wildfire smoke still is coming and going, some days worse than others. The temps started out in the 70s but by mid-week were well into the 80s.
The most fun observation was on the trail in a nearby WMA. On a very overgrown trail, we noticed alot of fresh black bear scat. Then we noticed alot of cow parsnip snipped off about waist high along that part of the trail. Then we noticed three animal bedding areas. Then we noticed a bear paw print in a seep as we were exploring for the stream ahead. We discovered bears do indeed eat the stem and flower of parsnip - and male yearlings are out and about during this time of year looking for territories. We were grateful that no bear appeared!
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Canada anemone |
- Black-eyed Susan
- Ferns (maidenhair, lady, interrupted, ostrich, maiden, bulblet)
- Cow parsnip
- Wintercress
- Little bluestem grass
- Purple prairie clover
- Yarrow
- Yellow sweet clover
- Two leaf miterwort
- Cup plant (pre-bloom)
- Giant goldenrod (pre-bloom)
- Canada anemone
- Wild geranium
- Canadian honewort
- Bittersweet nightshade
- Dryad's saddle
- Golden oyser mushroom
- Spring fieldcap musroom
- Watercress (blooming)
- Rugosa rose
- Stickseed
- Jacob's ladder (post bloom)
- teo-leaf miterwort (post-bloom
- jack-in the pulpit (post bloom)
- Hairy sweet cecily
- Virginia creeper
Wildlife (seen/heard/detected)
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Giant swallowtail butterfly |
- Least flycatcher
- Great crested flycatcher
- Eastern wood pewee
- Red-bellied woodpecker
- Baltimore oriole
- Eastern towhee
- American redstart
- Common yellowthroat
- Indigo bunting
- Rose-breasted grosbeak
- Ruby-throated hummingbird
- Yellow warbler
- Warbling vireo
- Red-eyed vireo
- Veery
- Golden-winged warbler
- Chestnut-sided warbler
- Grey catbird
- House wren
- Song sparrow
- Field sparrow
- White-throated sparrow
- Grouse
- Detected - Fresh Black bear scat and paw print in seep
- Forktail damselfly
- Grayish fanfoot moth
- Pale beauty moth
- Giant swallowtail
What are YOU noticing on your hikes?
This week's hikes: Yucatan Wildlife Management Unit (MN); Whitewater State Park (MN); Henke Acres Research Station - Beaver Creek Reserve, Fall Creek (WI); Maglessen Bluff Hike, Rushford (MN)
Images, unless noted - Marge Loch-Wouters
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