Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Apple Blossom Overlook (MN) Park

A view from the top
Apple Blossom Overlook Park boasts the second highest overlook on the Upper Mississippi (according to a 2004 article in Big River Magazine). And the views of Wisconsin's bluffs, the Mississippi River, Lock and Dam 7, the city of La Crosse and Brice Prairie, Hwy 90 at the top near the parking lot ARE pretty spectacular. 

But that's just the beginning of what makes this Winona County Park just 5 minutes north of La Crescent such a great hike or snowshoe in any season. It also boasts beautiful prairies and forest along with a lovely little wetland plot for the sharp-eyed.

Fall asters and swallowtail butterfly

The 1.5-2 miles of trails are a mixture of dirt and mown grass and have significant ups and downs as they wind their way slowly downward towards the woods. Whether you pick the right or left-hand to begin your hike, the trails quickly descend along the hillside through copious prairies alive with birds, butterflies and dragonflies. The prairie flowers are spectacular through spring, summer and early fall with common and less common prairie plants like rattlesnake master, cup plants and baptisia festooning the hillside 

All trails lead down the slopes gradually to a forested area. The dense tree cover allows for a clearer forest floor in this area and a chance to see views through the trees of the steep slopes of this bluff over the river.

In warm weather, if you pick the right-hand trailhead, keep your eyes peeled on the left for a huge cottonwood and cattails that speak to the lovely wetland depression that stays year-round damp atop the bluff. In cold weather, if you pick the left-hand trailhead, watch for deer and deer sign. There is a very active herd with many trails to follow in the winter on snowshoes off-trail.

Winter beauty
The wooded areas hold two overlooks - an easy and popular one straight down at the central trailhead off the parking lot. The other overlook (Dakota Overlook or "Kick Butt" to the locals) takes you precipitously down a steep hill to the old quarry. That overlook is overgrown but the quarry rocks are great. 

And this trail hides a surprise. Around to the left of the quarry's end is an old overgrown road that heads straight down to the bottom of the bluff where it ends at the new highway. It's a fabulous snowshoe in the winter or hike in late fall when you're not fighting overgrown weeds sprouting on the road.

An ambitious development plan for the park was made 20 years ago. Although only a small part of development is done, the trails are kept mown, the picnic area cared for, new trees planted, the prairies are periodically burned and fallen trees are taken care of. The maps from that development show it's potential as well as its current trails but it is a lovely park just as it it

This is a great short hike/snowshoe with some elevation gain and loss (about 100 feet) as you hike through prairies and woods to scenic overlooks. The short, intersecting trails make it great for any age/ability to tailor a hike as long or short as you want. There is plenty of opportunity for off-trailing on snowshoes on the north end of the park and it's easy to follow deer tracks to make your way in the best path. It's my go-to nearby snowshoe spot for great trails and off-trailing. It is mosquito-y near the woods in summer so have your bug dope handy!

The Location  - 169 County Hwy 1, Dakota MN
From La Crescent, drive north on Elm St (Apple Blossom Drive) about a mile up the bluff. You will pass Aerie Heights Ln on the right. The park is the next right.

All images - Marge Loch-Wouters

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