Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Thawing Trails - Be Aware

We're in a January thaw big time.

So I want to remind all of us who are actively using trails for skiing, biking , snowshoeing and hiking to be mindful of winter’s freeze-thaw cycle as we decide where and when we are going to get on trails. When we use trails that are down to dirt and muddy, we contribute to erosion and trail degradation. 

Many volunteers put in hours of sweat equity maintaining trails. Ground-in tire and boot tracks are the hardest to repair. Our friends in the Coulee Region' s Outdoor Recreation Alliance created this signage around trails in the Coulee Region that are good reminders to us all.

If we are leaving boot/bike tracks on the muddy trail, let’s turn around and have alternative hiking plans during these warm times.

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