For more information on the trips, where available, please click on the brown event titles for a link to the program or hike.
Winter Tree ID Walk on the Upper Miss Refuge
I will be updating this post periodically during March as new events are announced, so feel free to stop back for the most updated info.
March Events
Aldo Leopold Days
Aldo Leopold Days 2025 Celebration
A Visit from Will Dilg
- Thursday, February 27 7:30 pm
-Viterbo Recital Hall, 929 Jackson St, La Crosse
This is a Steve Marking performance presented by D.B. Reinhart Institute. Steven Marking plays Will Dilg in an inspiring, one-man performance. An avid trout fisherman and Chicago advertising executive, Will Dilg and his wife spent their summers on a houseboat in Winona, Minn. After suffering from the drowning death of his son in the early 1920’s, Dilg rose from the depths of depression to save a 261 mile stretch of Mississippi River backwaters from drainage for agriculture. This stretch of river is now known as the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. Through Dilg’s creation of the Izaak Walton League of America and successful engagement of private and public organizations, Dilg petitioned Congress for this stretch of the river to become the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. The refuge is one of more than 500 national wildlife refuges offering high quality wildlife habitat and opportunities for public recreation.
A Visit from Will Dilg
- Thursday, February 27 7:30 pm
-Viterbo Recital Hall, 929 Jackson St, La Crosse
This is a Steve Marking performance presented by D.B. Reinhart Institute. Steven Marking plays Will Dilg in an inspiring, one-man performance. An avid trout fisherman and Chicago advertising executive, Will Dilg and his wife spent their summers on a houseboat in Winona, Minn. After suffering from the drowning death of his son in the early 1920’s, Dilg rose from the depths of depression to save a 261 mile stretch of Mississippi River backwaters from drainage for agriculture. This stretch of river is now known as the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. Through Dilg’s creation of the Izaak Walton League of America and successful engagement of private and public organizations, Dilg petitioned Congress for this stretch of the river to become the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. The refuge is one of more than 500 national wildlife refuges offering high quality wildlife habitat and opportunities for public recreation.
- Saturday, March 1 9:00-noon
- The Nature Place, Myrick Park, La Crosse
Following the lessons of Aldo Leopold's work in the Coon Creek Watershed Project in the 1930s to reduce erosion, Mississippi Valley Conservancy and many of our landowner friends are always thinking of ways to slow the movement of water. This is ever more important in these times of weather extremes, when a deluge of rain can take away valuable topsoil and damage downstream communities. Our local conservation partners are also thinking of ways to mitigate the effects of a changing climate, so, when planning this year's La Crosse Leopold Days Celebration, we easily agreed on WATER as a central theme. Conservancy President Gretchen Pfeiffer will share examples of things landowners are doing to slow water at the Leopold Day event in La Crosse on March 1 from 9:00 a.m. to noon at The Nature Place in Myrick Park to illustrate the relationship between land management and water. Many local experts will also be at the event to present information and strategies for managing water from heavy rains. Family activities will also be offered. The Conservancy annually works with partner conservation and environmental organizations to hold the Leopold event as a way of building on Leopold’s work that informs collective efforts to protect the lands and waters of the Driftless Area. MARK YOUR CALENDAR.
ORA Community Trail Farm Exploration
- Saturday, March 1. 2:00-4:30 pm
- W5701–W5725 WIS-33, La Crosse
Outdoor Recreation Alliance (ORA) invites the community to extend the celebration at the Community Trail Farm with exploration and walking tours. Discover the connections between Aldo Leopold and Louis H. Pammel and their impacts on land ethics and conservation, and how these principles relate to the Community Trail Farm and surrounding areas today. Learn about stream ecology, understand the importance of restoration efforts, and enjoy engaging activities around a fire. 2-4:30 p.m. Learn more about the Community Trail Farm here:
- Saturday, March 1. 2:00-4:30 pm
- W5701–W5725 WIS-33, La Crosse
Outdoor Recreation Alliance (ORA) invites the community to extend the celebration at the Community Trail Farm with exploration and walking tours. Discover the connections between Aldo Leopold and Louis H. Pammel and their impacts on land ethics and conservation, and how these principles relate to the Community Trail Farm and surrounding areas today. Learn about stream ecology, understand the importance of restoration efforts, and enjoy engaging activities around a fire. 2-4:30 p.m. Learn more about the Community Trail Farm here:
Sponsors: Mississippi Valley Conservancy, ORA, Friends of the Blufflands, Viterbo University, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Ferryville Eagle Day
- Saturday March 1 9:30am-2:00 pm
- Ferryville Village Hall, 170 Pine St (off Hwy 35)
Live raptors, educational programs, eagle art by students, kids crafts, hooting contest and bald eagle nest building. Sponsor: Ferryville Tourism
- Saturday March 1 9:30am-2:00 pm
- Ferryville Village Hall, 170 Pine St (off Hwy 35)
Live raptors, educational programs, eagle art by students, kids crafts, hooting contest and bald eagle nest building. Sponsor: Ferryville Tourism
Maple Syrup Making for the Whole Family
- Whitewater (MN) State Park
Celebrate spring in Whitewater State Park's sugar bush! This activity will introduce the long history of maple syrup and sugar making, as well as the equipment and procedures used. Participants will tap trees, gather and boil sap and best of all taste pure maple syrup! Meet at the outdoor amphitheater behind the Visitor Center. Reservations are required. Sign up by calling 507-312-2301 or email Maple syrup programs will be offered each Saturday in March. Registration is limited to 20 people at each program. We want all visitors to feel safe and welcome. If you are not vaccinated, please wear a face covering and social distance from others. Sponsor: Whitewater State ParkMaple Syrup Making Demonstration Note: this event has been postponed; sap is not running yet. They hope to reschedule to 3/8 or 3/15. Check the event link on FB For updates.
- Sunday, March 2. 1:30-3:30 pm
- Iowisota Nature Education and Retreat Center, 2472 IA-26, Lansing, IA
Come join us at Iowisota to learn how maple syrup is made! This is a hands-on demonstration and learning opportunity; No cost to attend. Programming/participation: No Cost; We ask for an RSVP so we know how many people we might have. This is a small-volume production, with 25-35 tapped maple trees on-site. You will get to observe and/or participate in the steps of making maple syrup: Setting a tap in a tree, collecting sap from the maple trees, reverse osmosis to remove some of the water, boiling the concentrated sap to remove more water and caramelize the sugars, filtering and bottling. And, of course, tasting! We plan to start the short hike at 1:30, followed by demonstrations of the other steps around 2:15; so if you are not able to do the short walk, feel free to join us a bit later. Sap flow is highly temperature dependent, so weather conditions will affect whether sap is flowing during your visit. We expect that you might want to spend up to 2 hours learning about the various steps. Owners Dennis and Linda Haugen are both foresters and will explain the process and answer questions about all the steps, including management of the trees. They have been making syrup on-site since 2014, and Linda has known these woods since 1968.
If you would like to do a visit at another time with an after-school or homeschool group, let us know and we can set something up.
Maple syrup (limited quantities available): Suggested donation of $18/pint; bring cash or check. The tastings are free. Overnight “B&B” immersive stay: If you want to stay overnight during syruping season, reach out to Iowisota through the "Accommodations request form" on the website or email to, and we'll work out the times and details! More information about the available spaces and costs are also available on the accommodations page
- March 1-22
- Prairie Island Park, Winona
All are welcome to experience the process of gathering silver maple sap and making syrup! The community is invited to be part of learning more about the gifts that nature provides and ways to give back. This event will actually take place until at least the 22nd of March.
The community is invited to join in the following ways:
- Collecting Sap
- Sap Boiling
- Buckthorn Removal
- Naturalist hikes
SAP COLLECTION is happening everyday at 4pm the month of March, except Saturdays at 3pm. Bring a ½ pint jar, get a ½ pint jar full of syrup!
To sign up, go to:
SAP BOILING March 8th, 15th, 22nd, and maybe 29th. From sunrise to sunset, the arches are burning! Come gather, snack on some MANOOMIN snack (wild rice) cranberry, and watch sap boil!
BUCKTHORN REMOVAL every Saturday of March 1:00-3:00pm
To sign up, go to:
The following NATURALIST HIKES will be taking place from 10-11:30am:
March 1st - Learn how to Identify Trees in the Winter
March 8th - Seeing Resident Birds at PI
March 15th - Noticing the Seasonal Changes along the Phenology Trail
March 7th - “March through Prairie Island Park”
With Conservation Minnesota 2:00 - 3:00pm
For every event, meet at the Prairie Island Campground Campstore. Sponsors:Prairie Island Campground and the Boozhoo Family with the City of Winona, Boats and Bluegrass, Two Fathoms Brewery, Izaak Walton League - Will Dilg Chapter, and Conservation Minnesota.
- Thursday, March 6 2- 3:00 pm
- Goose Island County Park, Shady Maple Interpretive Trail, W6448 Cty Rd GI, Stoddard
Get outside and enjoy the winter woods! Join our very own forester Bruce Henry and Audubon Upper Mississippi River forester Jeff Butler on on a FREE guided tree identification walk. Winter is the best time of year for observing tree structures and offers a unique glimpse into the inner workings of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge’s forested areas. The walk will be focused on the identification of trees using bark characteristics during winter conditions. All ages and experience levels are welcome! The walk will fittingly take place at Goose Island County Park, as it is a great showcase of forest management on the refuge. This walk is outdoors and on an unpaved trail approximately 1 mile long. Participants are encouraged to dress accordingly for the weather. As you enter Goose Island County Park, take the first left off County Road GI to find the Shady Maple Interpretive Trail. Parallel parking is available alongside the road. Please contact the Refuge at (608) 779-2399 with questions. Sponsor: Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
Join Conservation Minnesota and Winona Public Library for a March through Prairie Island Park (1340 Prairie Island Rd, Winona). Participants will walk along the Crooked Slough Trail and learn about the native prairie seeds planted there and the invasive Buckthorn that has been removed. Registration is required for this program. To register, go to or call the Library's Reference Desk at (507) 452-4860.
International Festival of Owls
- March 7-9
- International Owl Center, Houston MN
We are still working out the final details, but the tentative festival schedule is now posted and registration is open! Pre-registration is required for:
Whitewater State Park HOP program
- March 12 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. |
Get outside and enjoy the winter woods! Join our very own forester Bruce Henry and Audubon Upper Mississippi River forester Jeff Butler on on a FREE guided tree identification walk. Winter is the best time of year for observing tree structures and offers a unique glimpse into the inner workings of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge’s forested areas. The walk will be focused on the identification of trees using bark characteristics during winter conditions. All ages and experience levels are welcome! The walk will fittingly take place at Goose Island County Park, as it is a great showcase of forest management on the refuge. This walk is outdoors and on an unpaved trail approximately 1 mile long. Participants are encouraged to dress accordingly for the weather. As you enter Goose Island County Park, take the first left off County Road GI to find the Shady Maple Interpretive Trail. Parallel parking is available alongside the road. Please contact the Refuge at (608) 779-2399 with questions. Sponsor: Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
-Friday, March 7 2pm
- Prairie Island Park Winona
Maple Sugaring
- Friday, March 7 10:00am -noon
- Wabasha Public Library
- Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m.-noon
- Frontenac State Park
Nature Explorers/Nature in the Neighborhood: Maple syrup tapping demonstration. Learn how maple syrup is made. Meet at the park’s main picnic shelter for this family-friendly event. Sponsors: Project Get Outdoors, a partnering organization of the Frontenac State Park Association.
International Festival of Owls
- March 7-9
- International Owl Center, Houston MN
We are still working out the final details, but the tentative festival schedule is now posted and registration is open! Pre-registration is required for:
- Owl prowls on Friday, March 7 (the adult owl prowl usually sells out quickly, so don't procrastinate!)
- World Owl Hall of Fame award presentation and keynote address by Scott Rashid of the Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute on Saturday, March 8
- Birding, Natural History and Geology Bus Trip on Sunday, March 9
Maple Syrup Making for the Whole Family
- Whitewater (MN) State Park
Celebrate spring in Whitewater State Park's sugar bush! This activity will introduce the long history of maple syrup and sugar making, as well as the equipment and procedures used. Participants will tap trees, gather and boil sap and best of all taste pure maple syrup! Meet at the outdoor amphitheater behind the Visitor Center. Reservations are required. Sign up by calling 507-312-2301 or email Maple syrup programs will be offered each Saturday in March. Registration is limited to 20 people at each program. We want all visitors to feel safe and welcome. If you are not vaccinated, please wear a face covering and social distance from others. Sponsor: Whitewater State Park - Monday, March 10 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
- City of Caledonia Municipal Auditorium, 219 E.Main St.
Join us for an engaging evening to discuss the future of the Minnesota Driftless Hiking Trail! We’ll share updates on the trail’s development and provide an open space for your ideas, questions, and feedback. Whether you’re a passionate hiker, a local resident, or simply curious, your voice matters in shaping this exciting project. Refreshments will be served, and no registration is needed! This event is designed for residents of Caledonia and the surrounding communities. Whether you are a landowner, outdoor enthusiast, local business owner, involved in tourism, or simply interested in learning more and sharing your perspective, we warmly invite you to attend. Feel free to bring a friend or colleague—everyone is welcome! This is the second event in a 3-part series—a perfect opportunity to connect with trail staff, dedicated volunteers, and other outdoor enthusiasts. Stay tuned for details about our upcoming session in Whalen! Don’t miss this chance to be part of the conversation and help bring the Minnesota Driftless Hiking Trail to life. See you there! Refreshments will be served, and no registration is needed!
- Tuesday March 11. 10:00 am -noon
- Prairie Island Park, Winona
Sponsors: Project Get Outdoors and Winona Area Public Schools
Details at The Secrets of the Universe Facebook page
Whitewater State Park HOP program
- March 12 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. |
- Whitewater State Park Headquarters, Altura
Birds and Their Songs: Even common birds have interesting lives and make interesting sounds. Join MN Master Naturalist instructor Joel Dunnette to learn about 20 fascinating birds you can see and hear in our area. Whether you are a novice or know several native birds, you should enjoy this interactive presentation! Sponsor: Friends of Whitewater State Park
Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
- Friday, March 13
Birds and Their Songs: Even common birds have interesting lives and make interesting sounds. Join MN Master Naturalist instructor Joel Dunnette to learn about 20 fascinating birds you can see and hear in our area. Whether you are a novice or know several native birds, you should enjoy this interactive presentation! Sponsor: Friends of Whitewater State Park
Full Moon Candlelit Hike
- Thursday, March 13 5 - 7:00pm
- Thursday, March 13 5 - 7:00pm
- Gateway Trails, Grandad Bluff Park
A crowd favorite! ORA will again hosts this candlelit walk when the moon is fullest each month. This is a free, all-ages event that begin at 5pm, and last until 7pm, or until we run out of fire wood! We chose a path that is considered "easy to moderate" to navigate by foot, stroller or wheelchair. Candles will light the route, but if you'd like to see clearly where you're stepping, consider wearing a headlamp or bringing a flashlight. Snacks and beverages will be on site, including fire pits with s'mores! Consider volunteering for this event here: Sponsor: ORA Outdoor Recreation Alliance
- Friday, March 13
- Your house!
The year kicks off with a stunning total lunar eclipse, also known as a Blood Moon, when the Earth perfectly aligns between the Sun and the Moon, casting a deep red hue over the lunar surface. Totality will last for an impressive 65 minutes, offering plenty of time to take in the breathtaking sight. It's also worth looking up about 75 minutes before and after these times to witness the partial eclipse phases, as Earth's shadow gradually moves across and then away from the moon's surface.
Each evening will begin with a story read by our Community Programs team, followed by a charming Winter tale told by our special guest storytellers! Special guest storyteller Delena Leon from the Main Library La Crosse, will bring her unique touch to this experience. Families can also enjoy Light snacks and warm beverages will be provided to keep the evening cozy. For children ages 2-10, a brief scavenger hunt will follow the stories, adding a bit of fun and adventure. Meet our Community Programs team, learn about our critters, and create a nature-focused craft. We're excited to meet you and explore the wonders of the natural world together. The program is free and no registration is required. Sponsor: Nature Place
Master Naturalist Certification Course - Registration open
- April 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28 10:00am - 3:30pm
- Spring Valley MN Public Library
This two week course exploring the Big Woods, Big River curriculum combines classroom time with outdoor field trips. The Spring Valley Master Naturalist course is sponsored by Project Get Outdoors and will introduce participants to the natural history of the Driftless Area through hands-on activities and field trips. Topics include geology, wildlife, native plant communities, ecology, watersheds, human history and ways to share nature with children. Sessions begin at the library and then move outdoors for immersive tours of local nature areas. All participants complete a small group capstone project to be assigned by the instructor Sara Holger. Sara has worked as an environmental educator since 1994, leading programs and activities for a variety of natural resource agencies and organizations. From 1999 - 2023, Sara worked as an Interpretive Naturalist for Minnesota State Parks at Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park and Whitewater State Park. Sara is the Founder and Program Coordinator for Project Get Outdoors, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides training and resources to help communities implement after school programs that connect low-income youth and children of color to nature exploration. Sponsors: UM-Extension and Project Get Outdoors
The year kicks off with a stunning total lunar eclipse, also known as a Blood Moon, when the Earth perfectly aligns between the Sun and the Moon, casting a deep red hue over the lunar surface. Totality will last for an impressive 65 minutes, offering plenty of time to take in the breathtaking sight. It's also worth looking up about 75 minutes before and after these times to witness the partial eclipse phases, as Earth's shadow gradually moves across and then away from the moon's surface.
- Duration: 3 hours, 38 minutes
- Totality: 1 hour, 5 minutes (from 1:26 AM to 2:31 AM CDT)
- Visible from: The Americas, Antarctica, Alaska, northeastern Russia, and parts of Africa
Maple Sugar Making for the Whole Family
- Whitewater (MN) State Park
Celebrate spring in Whitewater State Park's sugar bush! This activity will introduce the long history of maple syrup and sugar making, as well as the equipment and procedures used. Participants will tap trees, gather and boil sap and best of all taste pure maple syrup! Meet at the outdoor amphitheater behind the Visitor Center. Reservations are required. Sign up by calling 507-312-2301 or email Maple syrup programs will be offered each Saturday in March. Registration is limited to 20 people at each program. We want all visitors to feel safe and welcome. If you are not vaccinated, please wear a face covering and social distance from others. Sponsor: Whitewater State Park - Saturday, March 22. 9:30 am - 11:30 am
- Holzinger Trails, 925 E. Lake Blvd, Winona MN
Join us for a winter hike and hunt for animal signs! We will explore the rolling Holzinger trails and search for evidence of animal activity with a scavenger hunt while enjoying the winter weather. This family friendly programming is our first Wilderness Weekend with Emily of 2025 and we are so excited to welcome everyone back. Grab your boots and see you on the trail! Wilderness Weekends, led by Emily Gorman, is an environmental education program offering an immersive experience to explore the ecosystems and ecological treasures of Winona County. Join us to discover, appreciate, and protect the region's natural wonders. Please register here. Sponsor: Winona Outdoor Collaborative
- Saturday March 22 10 am- noon
- Frontenac State Park, Sand Point parking lot
Walk through the riparian forest and along the beach to Sand Point. Look for our winter waterfowl as well as resident birds of the forest, gulls, and raptors. Bring binoculars. The trail is well maintained and flat. The full loop is approximately 2 miles long, but you can head out whenever you need to. No need to register. If you have any questions, email This event is free. Sponsors: Frontenac State Park in partnership with the Frontenac State Park Association.Maple Syrup Making for the Whole Family
- Whitewater (MN) State Park
Celebrate spring in Whitewater State Park's sugar bush! This activity will introduce the long history of maple syrup and sugar making, as well as the equipment and procedures used. Participants will tap trees, gather and boil sap and best of all taste pure maple syrup! Meet at the outdoor amphitheater behind the Visitor Center. Reservations are required. Sign up by calling 507-312-2301 or email Maple syrup programs will be offered each Saturday in March. Registration is limited to 20 people at each program. We want all visitors to feel safe and welcome. If you are not vaccinated, please wear a face covering and social distance from others. Sponsor: Whitewater State Park-Saturday, March 22
- Wednesday March 26 5:00-6:00 pm
- The Nature Place, Myrick Park, 789 Myrick Park Drive, La Crosse WI
Gather around The Nature Place fireplace and enjoy the warmth of connection at our Fireside Stories event series. Join us for a FREE family event at The Nature Place on the 1st Saturday of every month.Each evening will begin with a story read by our Community Programs team, followed by a charming Winter tale told by our special guest storytellers! Special guest storyteller Delena Leon from the Main Library La Crosse, will bring her unique touch to this experience. Families can also enjoy Light snacks and warm beverages will be provided to keep the evening cozy. For children ages 2-10, a brief scavenger hunt will follow the stories, adding a bit of fun and adventure. Meet our Community Programs team, learn about our critters, and create a nature-focused craft. We're excited to meet you and explore the wonders of the natural world together. The program is free and no registration is required. Sponsor: Nature Place
Master Naturalist Certification Course - Registration open
- April 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28 10:00am - 3:30pm
- Spring Valley MN Public Library
This two week course exploring the Big Woods, Big River curriculum combines classroom time with outdoor field trips. The Spring Valley Master Naturalist course is sponsored by Project Get Outdoors and will introduce participants to the natural history of the Driftless Area through hands-on activities and field trips. Topics include geology, wildlife, native plant communities, ecology, watersheds, human history and ways to share nature with children. Sessions begin at the library and then move outdoors for immersive tours of local nature areas. All participants complete a small group capstone project to be assigned by the instructor Sara Holger. Sara has worked as an environmental educator since 1994, leading programs and activities for a variety of natural resource agencies and organizations. From 1999 - 2023, Sara worked as an Interpretive Naturalist for Minnesota State Parks at Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park and Whitewater State Park. Sara is the Founder and Program Coordinator for Project Get Outdoors, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides training and resources to help communities implement after school programs that connect low-income youth and children of color to nature exploration. Sponsors: UM-Extension and Project Get Outdoors
Do you know of other March events I should include? Just drop me a line in comments or the contact box on my web version of the blog.
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