Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Vote for the MN Outdoors on November 5

This year in Minnesota, when we go to the polls in November, voters will once again be deciding whether a portion of our state's lottery proceeds will continue, as it has since 1991, to go towards funding the preservation of outdoor spaces until 2050. 

I hope: 1) you vote on Nov. 5 and 2) you vote YES on the constitutional amendment before you.

In both 1990 and 1998, Minnesotans voted by a huge percentage to use some of the lottery proceeds to preserve wild areas and restore them. The money is placed in the state's Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund. According to an article by Tony Kennedy in the September 8, 2024 edition of the Minnesota Star Tribune, over $1 billion since 1991 has been delivered "for the purchase of land, construction of trails, environmental research, fish and wildlife habitat projects, clean water initiatives and more."

This system, administered through the Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources, recommends millions of dollars in grant money each fiscal year to fund projects that benefit hikes, bikers, hunters, fishers, campers, skiers and all Minnesotans who use the outdoors. The Driftless Hiking Trail group recently received over $400,00 from this fund to help them hire an executive director, buy trail building equipment and fund mapmaking for the trail. That's just one of over 100 projects funded this year!

The measure needs more than 50% of voters approving for this amazing fund to continue. Without that approval, funds to support our outdoor spaces and resource management areas would go back to the legislature and not through the citizen's committee. Let's not leave the outdoors to the whim of politics at the state level. We love our beautiful MN outdoors too much for that.

Here is the ballot language you will see. It's important to note that if you leave the box blank on this constitutional amendment, that is the same as voting no.

Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Renewal

Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to protect drinking water sources and the water quality of lakes, rivers, and streams; conserve wildlife habitat and natural areas; improve air quality; and expand access to parks and trails by extending the transfer of proceeds from the state-operated lottery to the environment and natural resources trust fund, and to dedicate the proceeds for these purposes?



To read more about this, head to 

Minnesotans for Our Great Outdoors webpage

Minnesota Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund webpage

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