Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Minnesota Driftless Hiking Trail (MDHT) Development News

I have blogged about the Minnesota Driftless Hiking Trail before. I wanted to update you with some very brief tidbits from their most recent newsletter. There is no doubt in my mind about the hard work that all the MDHT volunteers have been doing to make the following happen. 

I encourage you to access the newsletter by subscribing. It will keep you informed on the MDHT happenings. Just stop by their webpage and sign up for the free email newsletter or check their Facebook page for updates.

Here's some tidbits:

Thanks to MN's Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF), MDHT will soon be receiving over $400,000 to hire a full-time director, trailbuilding equipment and access to a trail design and building consultant. 

Pilot Project Selection!
MDHT was selected this spring as a pilot project for a U of M's grant that provides technical support to community. The team will help with developing digital and print mapping standards; develop trail standards; and create plans to integrate the trail with existing communities that mutually benefit each other.

Mapping Exploration!
A group of hikers have been hiking possible routes and recording GPS data to be used in planning the routes with partners and designers.

501(c) Status Achieved!

Ongoing Fundraising!
Through donations and merchandise sales and partnerships. This remains vital since the MN ENRTF funding is reimbursement-based.

Community Outreach!
Doing presentations throughout SE MN to inform people of the plans and encourage people to volunteer and support the project. Plans are afoot to host the MDHT folks at the La Crescent Public Library in the coming months. Details will follow.

Landowner Outreach!
Ongoing meetings with landowners along possible routes to gage interest and answer questions.

To read all the deets, the spring newsletter is here. Check it out to get the real scoop. It's a great time for hiking!

Additional posts about the MDHT:

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