Monday, May 27, 2024

Celebrate National Trails Day June 1, 2024

National Trails Day, held on the first Saturday each June and sponsored by the American Hiking Society, is almost here. While it's a chance to take a hike, it also is a time to think about how to protect and promote trails, help build a more welcoming and inclusive experience for all ages and people of all backgrounds on the trails and an opportunity to actively help maintain trails.

I hope you can get out on a hike this weekend - on a bluff, wetland, prairie, near a lake or river, in a state, local or national park. Every moment you are on a trail is an opportunity to connect in a deep and fundamental way with the outdoors and all its surrounding life. 

Reach out and ask a friend to join you. Time on the trails doesn't have to be tough or long. It's an opportunity to listen to the many sounds  - wind, water, wildlife; see the glory of spring sliding into summer through the careful finding of flowers, fungi, plants, trees; feel the freedom that nature bestows. Hiking can fill your soul.

You may find some group hikes to join on National Trails Day like the one below that is being offered in our Driftless region:

6/1/24 Note: This hike is canceled due to rain. Check the Blufflands Hiking Facebook page for rescheduling news.

Saturday June 1,  9am
Meet at Great River Bluff State Park (MN state park vehicle sticker required)
There are up to seven great overlooks to visit here. Pick your challenge level based on capabilities and time you have available.
(all mileage is round trip)
2 Overlooks: .7 miles
3 Overlooks: 2.5 miles
4 Overlooks: 3.8 miles
5 Overlooks: 4.8 miles
6 Overlooks: 7.9 miles
7 Overlooks: 9.5 miles
Mileage is based on stacking the Overlooks and returning to car.
Planned order of the Overlook hikes

DIFFICULTY: All trails are easy. You get to drive to the top of the bluffs and enjoy easy trails on top of the ridges.
DISTANCE: Depends on level of challenge you choose. see above.
PARK AND MEET: Picnic Grounds parking lot.

I love the hikes that the Blufflands Hiking group leader Steve Dawson plans. They are creative, fun and are led with a joy in nature that is infectious. If you don't have a hike planned, this is a great one to do all or part of!

No matter what, try to hit the trails this weekend - and consider how you as a hiker and nature-lover can continue to support the trails by volunteering to help maintain them (picking up trash; helping remove invasives; joining trail crews), advocate for them (locally, statewide and nationally) and welcome others to trails. 

See you on the trails!

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