Now THAT'S geology! Image - Marge-Loch-Wouters |
November is a great hiking month - and great for learning too! With leaves off the trees, you often get a chance to view hidden rocks and geological formations that can escape our view during the lush foliage months. Check out some of the opportunities available this month to hike, learn and swap.Tundra Swan Field Trip Saturday November 4 1-3pm
Whitewater (MN) State Park. Each November, thousands of migrating tundra swans stop at the Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge on their way to Chesapeake Bay. Join a naturalist caravan through the Whitewater Wildlife Management Area to Weaver Bottoms on the Mississippi River to observe tundra swans. Binoculars, spotting scopes and handouts will be available. Bring your own transportation. Meet at the Visitor Center. Sponsor: Whitewater State Park
Swan Migration at Brownsville Overlook Saturday/Sunday November 4 and 5 10am-2pm
Come enjoy the fall migration! As the seasons turn colder,
thousands of swans, ducks and other water birds move through the refuge,
finding a place to rest, relax and refuel before moving further south for the
winter. A Refuge naturalist will be stationed at the Brownsville Overlook to help visitors identify birds and share information about the refuge
and migration. Please note that naturalists’ shifts may be cancelled or
end early without warning in inclement or extremely cold weather. The Brownsville Overlook is located about three miles south
of Brownsville, Minnesota along Minnesota Highway 26. A portable restroom will
be available on-site. We recommend wearing lots of warm layers! Though peak migration is difficult to predict, the best
time to see the tundra swan migration is usually the second or third week in
November. The swans will typically stay until the water freezes over – if
temperatures stay below freezing at night, the peak of migration will be
earlier in November. Warmer weather extends their stay. Recent sightings and
estimates of bird numbers are posted weekly on the refuge website. For more information, please call the La Crosse
District Visitor Center at 608-779-2399 (Tues-Fri 9am-3pm) Sponsor: Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
Winter Gear Swap Sunday November 5 10am-3pm
The Winona Outdoor Cooperative. Is your puffy losing insulation, or have you found an extra hole or two in your favorite pair of mittens? Now’s the time to gear up before snow begins to blanket the bluffs! Join the Winona Outdoor Collaborative, in partnership with Curiosi-Tea House, at our second annual Gear Swap this November. This season’s gear swap will focus on winter clothing and gear to help fuel you for your cold-season adventures. We will also have some out-of-season items available for sale. Don’t forget to check out our dollar bins where you can find outdoor clothing at affordable prices ($2 - $5), and swing by our gear table to find some great deals on thrifted outdoor equipment waiting for it’s second chance at life. Visit our website to learn more about how to sell your gear at our swap!
Sponsor: Winona Outdoor Collaborative and Curiosi-Tea
Hiking the Driftless Area Presentation Wednesday, November 8 10 am - noon
Whitewater (MN) State Park. I'll be presenting at the H.O.P. into the Park (Healthy Older People) series this month! Discover well-known as well as more obscure trails that can be found in our nearby state parks, communities and rural areas. From bluffs to prairies, from wetlands to river's edge, from paved and flat to wild, rocky and steep, there's a trail perfect for everyone to hike in our area of MN and nearby in WI. We'll take a look at hikes perfect for retirees; families; active bluff and goat prairie climber/hikers; people recovering from illness and injury and more. And we'll touch on the wonders of hiking year-round. Sponsor: Friends of Whitewater State Park
Swan Migration at Brownsville Overlook Saturday/Sunday November 11/12 10am-2pm
Come enjoy the fall migration! As the seasons turn colder, thousands of swans, ducks and other water birds move through the refuge, finding a place to rest, relax and refuel before moving further south for the winter. A Refuge naturalist will be stationed at the Brownsville Overlook to help visitors identify birds and share information about the refuge and migration. Please note that naturalists’ shifts may be cancelled or end early without warning in inclement or extremely cold weather. The Brownsville Overlook is located about three miles south of Brownsville, Minnesota along Minnesota Highway 26. A portable restroom will be available on-site. We recommend wearing lots of warm layers! Though peak migration is difficult to predict, the best time to see the tundra swan migration is usually the second or third week in November. The swans will typically stay until the water freezes over – if temperatures stay below freezing at night, the peak of migration will be earlier in November. Warmer weather extends their stay. Recent sightings and estimates of bird numbers are posted weekly on the refuge website. For more information, please call the La Crosse District Visitor Center at 608-779-2399 (Tues-Fri 9am-3pm) Sponsor: Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
Fossil Field Trip - Saturday, November 11 10am - noon
Whitewater (MN) State Park.
During this program we will go and look for ancient sea life that lived in the area hundreds of millions of years ago. We'll start with a brief introduction at the visitor center, then drive out of the park 9 miles to hunt for fossils. Bring your own transportation. [Marge note: you almost ALWAYS find a fossil at this very productive limestone site. Dress warmly - it can be cold if the wind is whipping!] Sponsor: Whitewater (MN) State Park
Come join the Friends of the Upper Mississippi (FUM), Friends of the Refuge –Mississippi River Pools 7 & 8 (FOR78) and the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish Refuge to celebrate the fall migration! Spotting scopes and bird identification guides will be available for visitors to enjoy. Refuge staff, and members of FUM and FOR78 will assist with bird ID and related questions. Please dress for chilly weather! Light refreshments will be available while supplies last, during this event only. All donations for refreshments will benefit FUM. Members of FUM and FOR78 will have wildlife-themed items available for purchase. The Brownsville Overlook is one of the best places along the river to view hundreds of tundra swans, ducks, pelicans and bald eagles. The overlook is located about three miles south of Brownsville, MN along MN Highway 26.
Swan Migration at Brownsville Overlook Sunday November 12 10am-2pm
Come enjoy the fall migration! As the seasons turn colder, thousands of swans, ducks and other water birds move through the refuge, finding a place to rest, relax and refuel before moving further south for the winter. A Refuge naturalist will be stationed at the Brownsville Overlook to help visitors identify birds and share information about the refuge and migration. Please note that naturalists’ shifts may be cancelled or end early without warning in inclement or extremely cold weather. The Brownsville Overlook is located about three miles south of Brownsville, Minnesota along Minnesota Highway 26. A portable restroom will be available on-site. We recommend wearing lots of warm layers! Though peak migration is difficult to predict, the best time to see the tundra swan migration is usually the second or third week in November. The swans will typically stay until the water freezes over – if temperatures stay below freezing at night, the peak of migration will be earlier in November. Warmer weather extends their stay. Recent sightings and estimates of bird numbers are posted weekly on the refuge website. For more information, please call the La Crosse District Visitor Center at 608-779-2399 (Tues-Fri 9am-3pm) Sponsor: Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
Swan Migration at Brownsville Overlook Saturday/Sunday November 18/19 10am-2pm
Come enjoy the fall migration! As the seasons turn colder, thousands of swans, ducks and other water birds move through the refuge, finding a place to rest, relax and refuel before moving further south for the winter. A Refuge naturalist will be stationed at the Brownsville Overlook to help visitors identify birds and share information about the refuge and migration. Please note that naturalists’ shifts may be cancelled or end early without warning in inclement or extremely cold weather. The Brownsville Overlook is located about three miles south of Brownsville, Minnesota along Minnesota Highway 26. A portable restroom will be available on-site. We recommend wearing lots of warm layers! Though peak migration is difficult to predict, the best time to see the tundra swan migration is usually the second or third week in November. The swans will typically stay until the water freezes over – if temperatures stay below freezing at night, the peak of migration will be earlier in November. Warmer weather extends their stay. Recent sightings and estimates of bird numbers are posted weekly on the refuge website. For more information, please call the La Crosse District Visitor Center at 608-779-2399 (Tues-Fri 9am-3pm) Sponsor: Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
Guided Forest Bathing Gratitude Walk Friday, November 24 10am - noon
Whitewater (MN) State Park. Finding appreciation for the little, everyday things that provide joy is an important practice for wellbeing. Join park naturalist and certified Nature & Forest Therapy Guide, Sara Holger, for a forest bathing walk centered around gratitude. To sign up, email sara.holger@state.mn.us or call 507-312-2301. Sponsor: Whitewater (MN) State Park
Be sure to check often with local hiking groups, universities, naturalist-interest groups, nature conservancies, nature centers and their Friends groups, state parks, US Fish and Wildlife centers and others in your area to see what is on offer to help you understand the natural world around you better.