Friday, April 5, 2024

Save Our Trails, Hikers!

Whelp, we are right back in a freeze/thaw cycle on trails after the snow and rain of the past few days. With high temps bringing warmer weather, we are all longing to get out on the trails. 

Please remember though, woods trails are at their most vulnerable in those conditions. Here is a message from the Driftless region's Outdoor Recreation Alliance that I want to pass along:

"Springtime in Wisconsin means many muddy trail systems. Help keep trails in healthy conditions!
Trail users are encouraged to think before they sink. If you’re on the trails during this fragile time of year and begin to leave tracks, it’s time to turn back. If the trails are dry and firm, they are considered suitable for use and are open. If your foot or tire leaves a mark, the trail is closed. Giving the trails a break now will mean less closures needed in the future for extensive repair work.
So what should people do when they’re wanting to head outside but the trails aren’t ready? Before you go, check for a trail report on ORA Trails’ website ( Use clues around your home to determine trail conditions. If there’s standing water in the streets, yards or sidewalks, there’s a good chance the trails are not usable yet. Or better yet, visit one of the locations in our area that offer paved or gravel trails that are not nearly as affected by the wet season.
Our trails in La Crosse are maintained and repaired by volunteers and donations toward our work crews, and it takes a lot of work to keep them up to snuff. If you’d like to be a part of the generous group that works hard to maintain our trails, please reach out at or follow our Volunteer Trail Work Nights events!

Have a great weekend and #getoutside!."

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