This weekend marked the first in a series of three early morning hikes in city and state parks to track down the ever-changing landscape of spring ephemerals sponsored by the Driftless Drifter Hiking Club I planned the hikes and either guided or, like this one, offered assistance to our expert guides!
Vetsch Park, La Crescent MN
From the park entrance, follow old orchard roads up through the orchard into Vollenweider Park or through the pines in Vetsch park onto challenging, narrow trails that climb steeply up to the spectacular views on top Stoney Point (a scramble at the end up this sandstone rock formation. 200 foot elevation gain. Trails are unmarked and multiple trails can be confusing. Head upwards is my best advice until the city marks the trails! Note that the park abuts private property on the south side so be courteous of all posted signs.
722 N. 2nd St. Follow North 2nd St west until it ends at the water plant. Ample parking.
* The Driftless Drifters is a member-led hiking club program sponsored through the La Crescent-Hokah Community Education Department of MN ISD 300. Begun in 2021, the group goes on weekly "under 5 mile" hikes around the Driftless area and weekly "Ambles - shorter hikes on flat surfaces for hikers looking for a slower pace. All hikes feature learning opportunities as they identify flora, fauna and fungi around the area. New members are welcome - the fee for the club is $14 /yr (July through June). Members have access to a weekly newsletter with hike locations and tips as well as additional pop-up hikes. Contact Community Ed at 507 895-5150 to join.