Wednesday, August 28, 2024

MN Master Naturalist Class Offered in Lake City MN

Sara Holger, the Driftless Naturalist, is again the instructor for the Big Woods Big River UM-Extension course offered in Lake City beginning in August.  These courses, offered in different locations around the state throughout the year, are a great way to do a deep dive into learning about our Driftless area. 

Sara Holger writes: "This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the natural history of the Driftless Area through expert guest speakers and hands-on field trips. We will get to know local conservation organizations and discover opportunities to assist with stewardship activities and projects in the area."

The course will be offered on successive Tuesdays plus one Saturday field day - although most days involve learning in the field as well as classroom work with an incredible textbook.

Participants gain the knowledge and skills to work as volunteers in outdoor stewardship projects, interpretive work, program support and so much more. This blog is part of my Master Naturalist volunteer work but so is citizen science; serving on nature-related boards and in outdoor-related organizations, doing programs, supporting state, local and national parks and refuges in their outdoor work including invasives control, tree planting, seed collection, trail maintenance and more. There are so many ways to give back and be a knowledgeable participant in nature related work locally and regionally once you get your certification.

If you'd like a little more insight into how it all works, this recent blog post describing the same course offered in August in Winona and it's impact may be helpful.

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