Sunday, July 9, 2023

I Spy on the Trails - Week of July 2, 2023

We had some hot days, some welcome rain and ended the week with perfect June weather - in July!! Air quality from the Canadian wildfires has definitely improved.  

Prairie flowers are in their splendor while the woodland flowers are dialed back due to drought. With some forest hiking on tap soon, I look forward to seeing what the woods have to say. Hope you have had lovely weather and been out on the trails!


Underside of the bulblet fern

  • Rattlesnake master
  • Spiderwort
  • Compass plant
  • Cup plant
  • Wild bergamot
  • Motherwort
  • White wild indigo
  • Sulphur cinquefoil
  • Chicory
  • St. John's -wort
  • Skunk cabbage
  • Mullein
  • Virginia mountain mint
  • Emperor's nightshade
  • Butterfly milkweed
  • Leadplant
  • Big bluestem grass
  • New Jersey tea
  • Ferns (ostrich, bulblet, maidenhair, interrupted, sensitive)
  • Wood lily
  • Pointed-leaf tre-foil
  • Hemp dog-bane
  • Foxglove beardtongue
  • Yarrow
  • White sweetclover
  • Milkweed
  • Purple prairie clover
  • Harebell
  • Pale-spiked lobelia
  • False sunflower
  • Broadleaf enchanter's nightshade
  • Prairie coreopsis
  • Hop hornbeam (tree)
  • Black-eyed Susan
  • Indian hemp

Wildlife (seen/heard/detected)

American water frog

  • Leconte's haploa moth
  • Widow skimmer
  • Aurora damsel
  • Common wood-nymph
  • Ebony jewelwing
  • Yellow sulpher butterfly
  • Swallowtail butterfly
  • Monarch butterfly
  • Deer
  • American toad
  • American water frog
  • Indigo bunting
  • Common yellowthroat
  • House wren
  • House finch
  • Catbird
  • Rough-winged sparrow
  • Song sparrow
  • House sparrow
  • Swamp sparrow
  • Red-winged blackbird
  • Brown thrasher
  • Spotted towhee
  • Cedar waxwing
  • American redstart
  • Goldfinch
  • Cardinal
  • Robin
  • Red-eyed vireo
  • Great crested flycatcher
  • Eastern towhee
  • Eastern wood-pewee
  • Northern rough-winged swallow
  • Yellow warbler
  • Barred owl
  • Rose-breasted grosbeak

What are YOU noticing on your hikes?

This week's hikes: Butterfly Trails, Town of Shelby (WI); Wildwood Trails, Winona (MN); Apple Blossom Overlook Park, Winona Co (MN), Baird Creek Greenway, Green Bay WI; Colburn Park, Green Bay WI

All images- Marge Loch-Wouters

Doe on the Butterfly Trail

Big bluestem
Apple Blossom Overlook Park

Baird Creek Greenway

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