Sunday, June 11, 2023

I Spy on the Trails - Week of June 4, 2023

The weather in the 80's and 90's accompanied by Canadian wildfire haze were hallmarks of the first part of the week. Milder and more seasonal weather during the rest of the week was truly June-worthy although still no rain. On Monday, the haze was extreme so I hiked with a KN95 mask. I was glad I did. Facebook hiking groups were full of reports from people who developed sore throats and coughs while hiking and camping over the weekend in MN. Ugh.  The Mississippi river and its flow are back to normal. We are moving from ephemerals season into the first flush of summer flowers. 


  • Large beardtongue
    Spiderwort & bee with "pollen pants"
    Image - Marge Loch-Wouters

  • Prairie rose
  • Wild lupine 
  • Yarrow
  • Hoary puccoon
  • Bird's-foot trefoil
  • Smooth horsetail
  • Hoary verbena
  • Leafy verbena
  • Yellow goat's beard
  • Canada frostweed
  • Canadian anemone
  • Golden Alexander
  • Prairie ragwort
  • Meadow hawkweed
  • Hairy vetsch
  • Yellow salsify
  • Spiderwort
  • Leafy spurge
  • Hoary verbena
  • White wild indigo
  • Rattlesnake master
  • Wild chervil (aka Canadian honewort)
  • Compass plant
  • Horse gentian
  • Tick trefoil
  • Violet wood sorrel
  • Pale spiked lobelia
  • Quinine
  • Bird's-foot violet
  • Cream baptisia
  • Prairie willow
  • Bastard toadflax
  • Leadplant
  • Little bluestem

    Wildlife (seen/heard)
    • Little wood satyr butterfly
      Blanding's turtle toes
      Image - Marge Loch-Wouters

    • Common yellowthroat
    • Indigo bunting
    • Rose-breasted grosbeak
    • Yellow warbler
    • Song sparrow
    • Eastern Wood-Pewee
    • House Sparrow
    • American redstart
    • Widow skimmer dragonfly
    • Eastern pondhawk dragonfly (female)
    • Common whitetail dragonfly
    • Twelve-spotted skipper dragonfly
    • White-throated sparrow
    • Field sparrow
    • Cowbird
    • Bell's vireo
    • Silver-spotted skipper butterfly
    • Tiger Swallowtail butterfly
    • Blanding's turtle
    • Dickcissel
    • Brewers blackbird
    • Red-winged blackbird
    What are YOU noticing on your hikes?

    This week's hikes: Trempeleau Wildlife Refuge, Trempeleau (WI); Apple Blossom Overlook Park, Winona (MN); Norwegian Ridge Bird and Nature Tail, Spring Grove (MN); Borah Creek Prairie State Natural Area, Fennimore (WI)

    Borah Creek Prairie SNA
    Image - Marge Loch-Wouters

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