Sunday, May 28, 2023

I Spy on the Trails - Week of May 21, 2023

On the run up to Memorial Day weekend, we still have hazy skies from the Canadian wildfires. Temperatures reached the 70's and wild plant growth everywhere. Warbler migration is starting to taper off. The river continues to slowly recede although it is still running fast and high. Mosquitos are up and about in droves. Cottonwood seeds have begun snowing on us.The dandelions are tuckering out and adding their seeds to the mix.

Thimbleberry - Stoney Point MN
Image - Marge Loch-Wouters

  • Golden alexander
  • Common blackberry
  • White rattlesnake root
  • Robin's fleabane
  • Wild geranium
  • Columbine
  • Alumroot
  • Thimbleweed
  • Littleleaf buttercup
  • Cliffbrake
  • Pussy toes
  • Canada mayflowers
  • Sweet cecily
  • Blue-eye grass
  • Columbine 
  • Starry false Solomon’s seal
  • Jack-in-the-pulpit
  • Virginia water leaf (blooming)
  • Ferns - maidenhair, interrupted, ostrich, sensitive
  • Leafy spurge
  • Dwarf ginseng
  • Bluebeard lily
  • Starflower 
  • Woodland forget-me-not
  • Northern trillium
  • Canada mayflower

A curious deer - Wildwood Trail - Winona MN
Image - Marge Loch-Wouters
Wildlife (seen/heard)

  • Northern Goshawk
  • Common yellowthroat
  • American goldfinch
  • Robin
  • Red-winged blackbird
  • Henslow's sparrow
  • Song sparrow
  • Clay-colored sparrow
  • Tufted titmouse
  • Field sparrow
  • Great crested flycatcher
  • Red-eyed vireo
  • Ovenbird
  • Indigo bunting
  • Evening Grosbeak
  • Eastern Wood Pewee
  • Ruby-throated hummingbird
  • Deer
  • American redstart
  • Mourning warbler 
  • Eastern phoebe
  • Eastern towhee
  • Bluebird
  • Monarch butterfly
What are YOU noticing on your hikes?

This week's hike's: Wildwood Trail, Winona (MN); Vetsch Park/Stoney Point Trail, La Crescent (MN); Mathy Quarry Snakeroot Trail, La Crosse (WI); Frontenac State Park (MN)

Wildwood Trail - Winona MN
Image - Marge Loch-Wouters

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